Project cost forecasting
Group your projects into strategic portfolios to measure and manage the financial performance based on aggregated budget, costs, revenue, and scope.
Monitor projects and portfolios to get simple, clear, and real-time views of your costs, budgets, and profits that can be shared throughout your entire organization.
Tempo is trusted by 30,000+ global companies
Tracks budgets, labor, expenses, billable/non-billable time, CAPEX vs. OPEX and revenue. Identifies trends for project forecasting and internal collaboration.
Get dynamic data across your entire portfolio
View labor costs, time spent, costs vs budget, and many more metrics
Visualize your expenses by category
Identify project patterns and trends throughout your entire portfolio so you can see how they performed objectively and use that data for your future plans.
Group your projects into strategic portfolios to measure and manage the financial performance based on aggregated budget, costs, revenue, and scope.
Import your Jira issues and Timesheets data associated with CapEx and OpEx accounts and calculate expenditures based on the current cost rates.
“Financial Manager has been instrumental in managing project costs at our organization. Tempo has given us actionable daily insights into the projects' financial health and the ability to prepare monthly reports and billing effortlessly.”
Darina Lubomirova
Implement standardized processes and calculations when creating your budgets and monitoring them. That means you can make informed, real-time decisions with an accurate reflection of the work being done and know when you need to pivot.
Define project scope, set your budget and a global cost rate, and see results immediately
Visualize total costs and expenses against your planned budget
Create visual representations of all parts of your projects finances. Whether you need high-levels views or granular detail, Financial Manager can do it. Track budgets, labor, expenses, billable and non-billable time, CapEx vs. OpEx, and more.
Identify trends for project forecasting and internal collaboration.
Use your data from tools like Timesheets or Capacity Planner for more granular insights into your data across teams, projects, and resources.
Optimize for the financial goals of your organization by grouping projects into strategic portfolios.
Susan Hauth
Jira User
"We have been using Timesheets for almost 10 years. There is no better Timesheet tool for our teams and I highly recommend it for all your Timesheets needs."
Featured customer stories
BAE Systems provides some of the world’s most advanced, technology-led defense, aerospace, and security solutions.
BAE System's strong focus on project cost control led them to implement earned value management (EVM) and Financial Manager.
Before, their project managers weren’t using data held in Jira but relying on status reports from team leads. With projects involving multiple engineering teams delivering separate work packages, monthly project finance status reviews became difficult, and it was a challenge for the project managers to understand when costs were overrunning.
Financial Manager made a difference right away. The app has saved project managers time preparing for the monthly project reviews as they no longer have to generate earned value graphs manually. It has also made the cost/schedule trend more visible to both the development and project teams, empowering them to take early corrective action.
The team was able to enter their resourcing information to get a future actual projection. Then, Financial Manager provided a forecast of the projected completion date and costs for the program by extrapolating the earned value metric.
Meanwhile the ‘portfolio’ feature enables each engineering team to manage their own projects in Financial Manager (where they are called ‘folios’). These folios are aggregated in the portfolio view at the program level, offering managers a broad insight into all the engineering teams’ work.
I saw the potential of Financial Manager by Tempo, so I tried it on a complex major program. I liked the way it reused existing issue backlogs to create historical earned value and clearly shows progress versus budget.
Damian Le Gresley
Head of Engineering Improvement
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Tempo’s intuitive automation and Jira-native design make it the most trusted time tracking tool for enterprise organization.
Learn moreA powerful team resource management tool designed to optimize capacity planning and project management in Jira
Learn moreThe roadmapping tool designed for high-performing teams delivering boardroom-ready strategic roadmaps.
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Project hours can be approved directly in Financial Manager, where project owners can verify the hours worked by their team on the projects that they manage. This simplifies the process for a project owner to approve logged hours and for team leads to acknowledge the validity of the time spent on their projects.
The project portfolios feature can facilitate the work of managing multiple projects aimed at achieving the same objectives. Projects can be grouped together in a portfolio to gain insight into how a portfolio is performing based on the aggregated budget, cost, revenue, and scope of the projects in the portfolio.
Currently, customers need Timesheets in order for Financial Manager to function since it pulls worklog data to assign labor costs. Recently, an integration has been added between Financial Manager and Structure where users can use Structure to visualize, track, and manage the work of multiple teams or projects, and then track costs and revenue of the structure in a Financial Manager project.
Optimize for the financial goals of your organization by grouping projects into strategic portfolios.