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Building confidence in the workplace for yourself and your team

Discover strategies to boost confidence in the workplace for enhanced productivity and success. Unlock your potential and empower your team with our guide.
From Team '23

Tempo Team

Leading effectively, embracing challenges, and becoming a professional role model requires confidence. It’s a skill that’s not inherent but cultivated through perseverance and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone.

Feeling a gap in your own confidence levels doesn't spell the end of your leadership journey – it marks the beginning of a transformative process. By harnessing strategies to build confidence, you can overcome self-doubt and become the best version of your professional self.

Here’s how to foster confidence in the workplace, including techniques for project managers leading teams and individual contributors striving for growth and excellence in their roles.

Why is confidence in the workplace important?

When you believe in yourself, you comfortably embrace opportunities that drive personal and career growth. Here’s why.

Enhances performance

Strong self-confidence directly improves your work performance. Trusting your capabilities makes you more likely to approach challenges as growth opportunities, not as insurmountable obstacles. This mindset fosters resilience, empowering you to tackle problems creatively and deliver outstanding results.

Fuels career advancement

Confidence empowers you to boldly tackle challenges and opportunities, helping you acquire new skills and engage in varied projects. This proactive approach broadens your expertise and enhances your professional value. And it helps you gain recognition, promotions, and raises, reflecting research that links self-confidence with higher earnings.

Strengthens team dynamics

Self-assuredness extends beyond personal benefits, significantly enhancing team confidence and collaboration. A self-assured individual contributes positively to team discussions, offering innovative ideas and feedback that propel projects forward. By participating assertively, these individuals boost the team’s overall productivity and foster a culture of open communication and mutual respect.

What are deterrents to self-confidence at work?

Building self-confidence is a process that can face setbacks from both external and internal challenges, and recognizing these deterrents is the first step toward overcoming them.


Excessive oversight from leaders – or micromanagement – diminishes employee self-confidence by stripping away autonomy. When team members feel they can’t make decisions or take action without direct supervision, it signals a lack of trust in their capabilities. This environment stifles opportunities for risk-taking, learning from mistakes, and proposing innovative solutions, all essential for personal growth and confidence building.

Fear of failure

A fear of failure can confine you within your comfort zone, preventing risk-taking and innovation. You'll miss out on precious growth opportunities if you don’t voice potentially groundbreaking ideas or take risks, fearing that you might fail.

Instead of viewing failure as a setback, embrace it as a learning opportunity. This mindset fosters a more resilient and confident approach to work and discourages negative self-talk and self-sabotage.

Lack of recognition

When hard work and achievements go unnoticed, it can make you question your competence and contributions. Without proper acknowledgment, you might not contribute as meaningfully, fearing your hard work might go unrecognized.

How to be more confident at work

Whether you’re leading a team or contributing to its success, you can improve your confidence at any career stage. Here are a few ways to get started.

Leverage your strengths

Everybody brings unique and necessary skills to the table, so identify your strengths and learn how to best apply them. If you excel at communication and notice an opportunity to explain a complex idea to a potential client, seize the moment to showcase your ability. 

Beyond demonstrating your skills, taking this proactive approach also boosts your visibility within the team and the organization, making it more likely for peers and leaders to recognize and value your contributions. This recognition, in turn, creates a positive feedback loop that reinforces your value to yourself and the team, fostering further confidence and performance improvements.

Embrace continuous learning

By actively engaging in educational activities like participating in workshops, reading up on the latest industry trends, and listening to business podcasts, you keep your skills sharp and knowledge current. This pursuit of knowledge isn’t just about staying relevant, it’s about improving your performance on the job today and preparing yourself for tomorrow’s challenges.

When you apply new insights and skills at work, you also lay the groundwork for future advancement. Taking a proactive approach to development signals your readiness for more sophisticated roles. And it’s tangible proof you can grow and adapt.

Consider a situation where you integrate a newly acquired skill, like advanced data analysis, into your daily tasks. This adds value to your organization and demonstrates your value to leadership. It also creates a virtuous cycle where learning fuels confidence, which drives further learning and success.

Seek feedback from positive influences

Gather insights from encouraging figures, like business coaches and mentors, who can offer valuable external feedback on your strengths and growth areas. This encourages you to recognize and appreciate your capabilities and make informed decisions about your professional development.

If direct feedback isn’t available, turn to alternative resources for guidance and inspiration, such as books and podcasts. This approach broadens your knowledge and improves self-esteem by reinforcing your ability to learn and adapt.

7 strategies to build confidence as a project manager

Confidence is crucial for project managers (PMs) coordinating teams and initiatives across departments. A lack of self-assurance can delay critical decisions, potentially derailing projects and eroding stakeholder trust. 

Here are seven strategies to boost your confidence as a PM, leading to smoother operations and stronger relationships.

1. Embrace your role as a process guardian

PMs are the backbone of project processes, possessing the expertise to guide projects to success. If self-doubt creeps in, it’s crucial to recall your role’s significance and past successes.

Adopting this “fake it till you make it” attitude, even when it feels forced, can create a positive feedback loop. Acting confidently can lead to successful outcomes, which reinforces your self-belief. 

But beyond adopting a self-assured facade, it’s important to ground your beliefs in reality by reflecting on past successes and the tangible results of your leadership. Reviewing the evidence of your effective project management can solidify your confidence, helping you recognize your proven track record of success.

2. Trust your project progress intuition

Consistently monitoring project progress and maintaining high standards for outputs reinforces your capability as a project manager. While timelines provide a structured guide, complementing this with trust in your own judgment about the project’s shape sharpens an invaluable project management skill – intuition. 

Relying on intuition doesn’t mean disregarding structured planning and progress monitoring. Instead, it involves complementing these management practices with the confidence to rely on your judgment when the situation demands it.

Projects are dynamic, and they often require decisions extending beyond what’s outlined in the initial plan. A keen intuitive sense lets you anticipate potential issues before they become problematic, enabling swift and effective solutions. This approach also strengthens confidence in your abilities, as you experience firsthand the positive impact of integrating analytical tools and instinctive decision-making in project management.

3. Refine your facilitation skills

Leading a team, especially one with expertise outside your comfort zone, can be daunting. But it’s crucial to recognize a unique value you bring to the table as a leader: your facilitation skills.

Facilitation is about guiding discussions, making decisions, and asking the right questions to effectively navigate project complexities. Take pride in the fact that you’re in charge of steering the team toward solutions, which involves ensuring they consider all viewpoints and keep the project aligned with its objectives. 

4. Boost your business acumen

Instead of feeling outpaced by the expertise of your peers and clients, take proactive steps to bridge any knowledge gaps. Focus on grasping the broader strokes of your business environment and the specific context of your projects. 

Before meetings with clients and discussions with subject matter experts, review key industry trends and familiarize yourself with project-relevant terminology to engage in informed discussions. This preparation boosts your confidence during interactions and builds stakeholder trust, demonstrating your commitment to the project’s success.

5. Take the project management professional exam

If you have imposter syndrome and don’t feel like a project manager, achieving formal certification and skill recognition by taking the project management professional (PMP) exam can help overcome those feelings of inadequacy. 

By successfully passing the PMP exam, you demonstrate to yourself and others that you possess the knowledge, experience, and competence required to excel. Preparing for and taking the exam also deepens your understanding of project management principles and best practices, further equipping you to tackle challenges and lead projects effectively.

6. Focus on the positives

Instead of getting caught up in what went wrong and letting this mindset erode your confidence, shift your focus to solutions and successes. To foster a resilient and confident mindset, balance acknowledging your achievements with constructive reflection on setbacks. This strategy enhances your adaptability, proving that you're capable of overcoming obstacles and thriving in the face of adversity.

7. Practice confidence-boosting meditations

Confidence isn’t just about external achievements – it’s an internal state of mind you can cultivate through mindfulness. Dedicate five minutes each day to visualize and meditate on your most confident self.

Close your eyes and imagine engaging boldly in upcoming team and client interactions. By consistently imagining positive outcomes, you train your brain to anticipate success, which naturally enhances your real-world confidence and performance

How to build confidence in team members 

Confidence can spread within a team, but fostering it often requires more than example-setting.

Here are actionable strategies to boost team members' self-assurance without veering into micromanagement.

Help people grow

Team members flourish when they feel competent and valued in their roles. But a lack of opportunities for growth and underutilizing their talents can foster feelings of self-doubt. To promote growth and confidence, provide ample opportunities for professional development, such as allocating time for training and courses. 

Encourage a culture of continuous learning by recommending articles and books relevant to your team’s field and organizing discussions to exchange insights. This supportive environment helps teammates develop skills and boosts their confidence as each member sees you recognizing their growth. 

Beyond encouraging skill development, it’s also crucial to celebrate individual progress and accomplishments. Recognition powerfully affirms each person’s value and growth, reinforcing their confidence in themselves.

Delegate with purpose

Effective delegation does more than just distribute tasks – it provides team members with a structured approach to assuming more significant responsibilities. This intentional tactic focuses on providing team members with practical, hands-on experience, progressively introducing them to greater responsibilities in a supportive manner.

If someone’s eager to expand their user experience (UX) knowledge, assign them UX design tasks. Or involve another team member in client meetings to develop their client-facing skills if they’re intimidated by face-to-face meetings. During this process, ensure team members have the resources and knowledge to succeed, as feeling unprepared can be counterproductive to confidence building. 

Spotlight individual strengths

As a leader, it’s your responsibility to illuminate strengths teammates might not even know about. If you notice a team member excels in creating compelling written presentations, let them know and assign a task to craft a pitch for a potential client. Succeeding in a task you confidently entrusted to them reinforces their belief in their abilities and uncovers skills they may not yet appreciate. 

Offer support

Understanding the personal investment team members make in their projects is key to cultivating a positive attitude.

Engage with team members personally, dedicating time to understand their perspectives, providing constructive feedback, and affirming their value to the project. These interactions highlight each member’s critical role and foster a sense of indispensability, boosting their confidence. Public recognition of a job well done amplifies this effect, though it's crucial to distribute praise evenly to prevent feelings of favoritism.

Build confidence with Tempo

Confidence often stems from competence. So a great way to boost your team’s self-assuredness is by giving them the tools to excel. 

Tempo offers a suite of applications to enhance your team’s capabilities. Try Portfolio Manager for comprehensive task scheduling, Custom Chart for reader-friendly reporting, and Tempo Capacity Planner for effective resource management.

Integrate Tempo into your management tool kit today and build a confident, high-performing team poised for success.

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